Tuesday, April 27, 2010


(c) 2010 Art by Bryn Lenaghan, Color by Cynthia Moyer
Our new partnership has been born: "Bryn-Cyn Connection!"

Monday, April 26, 2010


Here is the first version I did of Bill Kraiter's fight between DareDevil and Kingpin:

But I felt it needed a little something extra, so I ramped up the contrast, added shadow to enhance the streetlamp light from above, and put a little *POW* spot on his chest. I was feeling too much man hugging in the first version. LOL

Next up: I have done two pics for Bryn Lenaghan, but these are under wraps until they are submitted to where they are headed, and I am currently working on another piece by Bill Kraiter for the "Curse of the Vessel!" which is competing in the Small Press Idol race.
That will be unveiled when it is done and perfect and GORGEOUS!
**MINI GAH!!**

Tuesday, April 20, 2010


Another one by Bill Kraiter... Daredevil kicking Kingpin's arse.

(c) 2010 Art by Bill Kraiter, Color by Cynthia Moyer


(c) 2010 Art by Bill Kraiter, Color by Cynthia Moyer

Sunday, April 18, 2010


I have some additions to the blog while I take a break from the zombie blood -- I was being haunted by a vision for a logo for Bill Kraiter inspired by his signature, "B!ll Kr8er." Once I found just the right photo of the craters of the moon, it fell into place. Then Danny said he wanted a logo, so I built one for him based on an illustration by Jay Piscopo of Danny's King Dog character.
THEN Bryn said HE wanted a logo, too, so I went back to the drawing board and come up with a logo for him, featuring several of his skecthes based on his favorite wrestlers or wrestling buddies. Bryn likes wrestling, just F.Y.I.


Saturday, April 17, 2010

ZOMBIE -- First Blood

Adding blood... I'm going to work on the background this weekend. More blood!! LOL

Thursday, April 15, 2010


It's Zombie Time!!
Art by Bill Kraiter... coloring by me. :-)

Will be adding blood, so there will be another post soon! LOL
***RAGGEDY GAH!!!***


I found Hit Girl in Danny Kelly's stash of drawings and immediately liked her, and thought she needed some color. :-)

A few hours later.... and a few emergency calls to Photoshop friends.... and Hit Girl was flying through a lovely sunset. *sweet*

***RAGGEDY GAH!!!!***


Ahhh.... the Fantastic Four.
A drawing by Bill Kraiter caught my eye, and here is a play-by-play on the coloring of his Fantastic Four!!
The original drawing from Bill:

I started on The Thing first:

And then Mr. Fantastic started taking shape:

And then the one I like to call "Fire Dude" (he is the Human Torch) was intimidating me, so I just dove in with the red:

I knew I wanted a purple background, but working at midnight, the color wasn't coming out right and I was getting frustrated. I knew it was too light.

Ahh.... there's the shade of purple I was looking for. :-)

I didn't really know what these guys looked like, actually. I looked them up on a website once as sort of a reference. Fire is fire, rocks are rocks, and then I knew Mr. Fantastic wore a blue outfit.

Beginning to add the background:

All done!!! This coloring project took about two days, minus all my mommy-duty time.
I added Sue in the background in my own style, since she was left out (because she's invisible... LOL). It was also pointed out that The Thing only has four fingers on each hand, not five.
Oh well. Still cool.



Oops... I meant my next pic was King Dog, by Bryn Lenaghan for Danny Kelly, who is doing a series for his King Dog character. He put out a call to all comic artists for concept drawings for the Canine Do-Gooder!

So I found this sketch in Danny's folder of King Dog art. At the time I didn't know Bryn, but now I do. Gotta love the internet. :-)

First thing -- clean it up to black and white:

And then I added some color:

Nothing but fun. Now I want to go back and tweak it a bit. haha
Bryn has some wrestling drawings he's working on for me to color with the plan of having them accepted for publication in various wrestling magazines.


How this all began --
I became friends on Facebook with a few guys who are writers and also into comic books. Danny Kelly posted the illustration below, asking everyone how to clean up the circle that appeared when he uploaded it to the computer. He had drawn it for our mutual friend Randy Belaire, the author of "The Resurgence: Chronicles of the Shadow Chaser."
I asked him to send it to me and I'd clean it up for him.

The original with the weird circle:

So, I cleaned it up. (Took maybe five mintues.)

Then I produced another image of a close-up of the Shadow Chaser:

And then I really started playing with the image:

I thought it needed some text:

Then I wondered what a LOT of text would look like:
(pretty cool!)
Then Danny sent me a link to the original Batman cover he used as the inspiration for this drawing, and so I tweaked it even more:

I got a lot of positive comments on these pieces, and that encouraged me to try my hand at another drawing, King Dog, which led to the Fantastic Four!

Friday, April 2, 2010


How it all got started -- Manu Intiraymi, of course.

Well, that's not totally true, but he's a nice visual jumping-off spot, and so we'll start with him. Manu starred in Star Trek: Voyager during the last two seasons as Icheb, one of the Borg kids who was taken in by the crew of Voyager. One day I logged on to Facebook and there was a friend request from him. I saw his name, freaked out, at first thought it was a joke (as in, someone NOT REAL and just using his name), but was him. I accepted and decided to wonder where he found me later. He's never told me why he sent me a friend request, but I am pretty sure it has to do with him trolling the friends lists of Garrett Wang/Robert Picardo/Tim Russ since I was friends with them, too, but who the hell really cares... it's MANU!! The MONS!!!
I went through his photos and found some cool shots of him and then felt that tug to get the pics in Photoshop and that's when He took notice. Nice! Being recognized for your late-night pixel mixing is always good.

First -- the Gold King. Manu is planning to take over the world, and this was a shot from one of his recent movies... but I felt he was regal enough, so I doctored it:

Then he had a really cool shot I knew would make a cool Floating Head montage...

And then I did this one for his Icheb page on Facebook... and that's when he emailed me and asked for an 8x10:

Then I did another and added space... real space officially ripped from NASA:

And this is just playing:

The resolution of photos I find on the internet are SO HORRIBLE, I have to smooth it out, beef it up and generally make a photo out of thin air. But the creative juices are flowing, and that's the most important thing! RAGGEDY GAH!!
It's not hard to make pretty pictures when your subject looks like Manu anyway: